Sunday 7 December 2008

A Blogger talks about PR Agents

If a scientist was given a petri dish, some basic amino acids, and the task of synthesising the ultimate blogger, they would probably produce something very similar to Chris Pirillo. Chris is a self confessed tech geek who runs a blogging network called Lockergnome as well as having a significant online presence on such outlets as Youtube and Want to get your issue talked about in the blogosphere? You'll probably have to get it past this guy first. Luckily for us flacks he's produced this video about his attitude to PR.

The video contains some PR truisms (be transparent, do your research, know your audience, send them free stuff) that apply to most media outlets. However he also says a few things that go against common PR understanding:

1)Keep it short and sweet - And that means no conventional press releases. He recommends that releases should be Tweet sized - thats 140 characters, or the length of a text message!
2)Preferably employ an established blogger as your social media PR person.
3)Due to the uniquely meritocratic way in which information on blogs is ordered and disseminated, it pays to target not just the most widely read blogs, but also the most relevant.

Heard any other tips for obtaining blog-inches? Post them in the comments!

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